

As seen everywhere in this world, people are facing problems in which they receive no help with in finding a solution to. The problems may be social, economic or personal. However, the fact that there are people in this world facing much worse problems is sorrowful. For instance, child refugees have difficulty receiving their basic needs such as food, water, etc. There are several other problems that they face and there is a solution to each one of them. Let's go further into these issues.


Problems need to be solved in order to live a happy life. Here are the solutions to the problems that child refugees are facing. These solutions include both what CRAW is doing to help child refugees and they include solutions that I have made up to help child refugees.


Ability of children to receive mental deficiencies
To cooperate with the child refugees and understand their situation and make them feel better about themselves as a person. Make child refugees feel as if they are just like everyone without a mental deficiency.
Malnutrition, Dehydration, etc
Make fundraisers and send funds to organizations helping this issue.
Lack of rights
Help government realize that child refugees are humans too and deserve an equal amount of rights. This can be done by striking against the government.
Less opportunities to learn
Help raise awareness to the public that more jobs are needed to people that have no experience in jobs, but are very useful. This can be done by creating P.S.A’s, radio announcements, etc
Ethnic discrimination
Help people realize that color of skin or status does not matter. It does not describe the person. What actually describes the person is their personality and their character. This can be done by putting up posters saying how at the end of the day, everyone is human. Also, radio announcements can be done to raise awareness of this topic. Thus leading on for the conflict to stop and helping everyone to realize that they are wrong and child refugees are human and should not be judged by the color of their skin or their status.
Talk to the child refugees and help them understand that stress is not going to solve the problem; physical actions are the only solution to this problem. They can help their families instead of stressing by working.
Donate to organizations helping to create solutions for these issues. Help raise awareness for lack of job opportunities
Difficulty of doing well in schools
Create programs where children not knowing the official language of the country can learn the official language of the country. This can be done by creating non-profit organizations that create these programs, or collect funds to create the programs by raising fundraisers.
Difficulty of adjusting to their new environment and surroundings
Talk to the refugees and tell them the standard lifestyle that the country’ people have. Give them a tour and give a visual of what their lifestyle looks like in order for the refugees to understand their lifestyle and try to cope with it.

Here are some visuals to help you get an idea of what is occurring around the world:

Here are some visuals to help you get an idea of how people are helping child refugees: 

Here is a podcast to help raise awareness for the issues that child refugees face today and how we can solve those issues:

Podcast by John Smith 440

These solutions can help child refugees overcome the conflicts they have to face. These solutions are both economic and social solutions.

These issues are occurring all across the world, however the country we have chosen to do is Palestine due to the fact that there is war occurring there and people are escaping from there to become refugees in other countries. Here is a map of Palestine:

Works Cited

"Social and Economic Impact of Large Refugee Populations on Host Developing        
     CountriesEC/47/SC/CRP.7." UNHCR News. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 May 2013
Mental Health of Refugees, Internally Displaced Persons and Other Populations Affected by Conflict."     
     WHO. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 May 2013.
"Australia Provides Refugees With Advantages." Immigrants/Media/Publications. N.p., n.d. Web.
"NGOs." Refugees United. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 May 2013.
"Living in Australia." Challenges Faced by New Arrivals. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 May 2013
"Refugees." Government of Canada, Citizenship and Immigration Canada, Communications Branch
     N.p., n.d. Web. 17 May 2013.
"Refugee Protection in Canada." Amnesty International Canada. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 May 2013.
"Refugee Sponsorship and Resettlement." MCC Ontario. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 May 2013

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